Flamebond round table discussions bring together high-level experts who work on solutions and concepts aimed at 

developing their businesses and themselves.

In the Flamebond meetings may participate only experts who receive an individual invitation based on verification of 

their professional profile. Thanks to such approach, every discussion gathers professionals whose knowledge and 

experience can be useful to other members of the group.



Exclusive group of experts

Participation in Flamebond meetings is only possible after receiving and accepting an individual invitation

Effective Method 

Together, we search for solutions and we identify business opportunities based on case studies analysis and by using the Problem-Based Learning method.

Interactive formula

In the meeting may participate max. 10 people. Discussions join max. 4 people, and each round of the discussions is conducted in a different group.

Many Benefits in a short time

Well-planned structure and detailed preparation of the meeting from the merit and organisational side lead to very efficient use of the discussion time.

During Flamebond meetings, we cover many different topics in areas such as

retail, e-commerce, payments, innovations, production, and supply chain.

Regardless of the subject, each meeting is an optimal solution for busy managers: 

minutes of interactive, engaging meetings

minutes for informal networking activities

participants from the same organisational level

meeting leaders (e.g. expert, market leader, innovator)


Widen your knowledge

Learn about experiences, best practices, solutions, as well as develop new ideas and strategies

Inspire yourself and others

Exchange information to strengthen the growth of yourself, your company, and the entire industry

Build personal relationships

Meet top experts who may help you identify new opportunities, improve strategies, and develop yourself.

Make good decisions

Ask experienced leaders for their opinions, feedbacks, improvements, and tips regarding your idea.

To enable you to achieve your development and networking goals, the agenda of each Flamebond consists of several parts:

1.  FLAMEPITCH  15-minute presentation similar to TED Talks, which introduces an important and inspiring topic (e.g. challenge, idea, solution).
2. FLAMELABS 10-minute discussions in small groups, during which participants analyse a specific problem or develop new concepts
3. FLAMETALKS 5-minute summaries of group discussions aimed at sharing the most important conclusions and ideas with all participants

4. FLAMECAFE Informal meetings in small groups organised in order to get to know each other better and establish personal relationships

5. FLAMEBRIDGE Informal, two-person meetings that allow to strengthen relationships and have a direct conversation with a selected meeting participant.


Contact us to learn more about Flamebond!